There's Your Side, Their Side, and the Truth

Image by Amy S from Pixabay


“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” — Buddha

The Law of Karma is like throwing a ball at a wall in front of you and having it bounce back and hit you in the face. Whatever you put out, you will get back. It’s a promise. The Universe balances negative and positive energy all the time. That’s what karma is. Guaranteed, you’ll get yours — whether it’s good — or not.

It’s helpful to remember this: What other people do affects their karma. What you do in response affects yours.

If you hear someone else’s negative viewpoint of someone, do you take it as truth? Do you take it on as your own opinion? Do you then choose to look at that person with disdain — whether or not you know that person yourself?

Do you speak about a person negatively to others? Do you spread gossip and rumours, or share your low opinion of that person with other people?

Do you treat others as if they have the plague? Do you make judgements without ever having met them or having first-hand knowledge of anything untoward?

Look at the relationships in your life — and by that, I mean the people with whom you interact in any way. Are there people who are negative, vindictive, or just plain toxic? How does it feel to be around those people?

Chances are, you don’t like it very much. If you can take steps to avoid or ignore them, it’s best for your health (and theirs; we don’t want you to reach “overload” and slam them upside the head with a two-by-four!)

So if you don’t like being around people like that, be sure that you don’t become one of them. If you want people to see you as kind and loving, then be that way. If you want them to think of you as a spiritual, positive influence, then be that way.

If you want people to tell others that you’re compassionate and caring, then be that way. If you want to hear people say you do many thoughtful and generous things, then be that way.

It’s not enough to exhibit all of these wonderful qualities when it’s convenient and then open your mouth and say hurtful things about others — even if you think you’re right. Even if you are, it’s irrelevant. It is unfair and damaging, and it doesn’t make you look good in the eyes of others either. In fact, it makes you look very not good. 

If you don’t like the fact that other people say hurtful things about you, then stop similar words from falling out of your own mouth about them (or anyone else). Retaliation only makes matters worse. Like they say, two wrongs do not make a right. They just add loads of fuel to an already-roaring fire.

At all times, strive to be the person you want people to think you are and let the Universe take care of karma. Keep your own nose clean and never mind what others are doing. They’ll get their just reward someday. And so will you.

Before you open your mouth and spread dirt about someone, whether or not you think you’re justified, whether or not you believe you have a valid reason, remember to throw sweet flower petals at that wall, rather than a big, hard ball, because whatever you chuck at it, it’s gonna come back some day and smack you in the face. 

In other words, you will be given a mirror for your actions.

So choose them wisely.


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