healing with energy


Powerfully, yet gently
helping your body
heal itself


Fast, safe, effective.


In the mid-1990s, I was sitting with someone who was in a lot of pain. Suddenly, I had an “awareness” or a “knowing” of what I needed to do for him.

As I began, he asked what I was doing.

“Sh-h-h-h! I don’t know, but I think it’s supposed to help!”

I continued for a few moments, energy coursing through my body like nothing I had ever experienced, heat coming out of my hands — which remained cool to the touch!

After about five minutes, just as suddenly as it had begun I knew I was finished.

I looked at my friend. Utterly incredulous, his face was a picture. “What did you do?

“I don’t know,” I shrugged.

“It’s gone! The pain is gone!”

In the weeks and months that followed, I worked with this new (or newly-discovered) ability, my family and friends being willing guinea pigs with their various ailments. Continuing to be amazed by the results, I expanded and developed my technique as the years passed.

In 2005, without my permission a friend booked me to do a healing night at an old pub in the English village where I lived. I had never “gone public” with this healing. Nor had I ever done it for more than one or two people in a sitting.

“Ah, well, it’s a small village pub. I’ll bet only two or three people will turn up,” I thought. Relief settled in rather quickly.

But on the night, the pub was packed. Standing room only. One after another, the eager crowd filed into the quiet back room. Each person spent 10-15 minutes with me while I worked my magic.

Between 7.30 pm and 1.30 am, I did healing sessions on 26 people without a break.

Some results:

  • Suicidal depression was lifted in minutes. The woman walked out laughing - and has since become a lifelong friend.

  • A man with 15 years of screaming knee pain from sports injuries and work issues limped in. Twenty minutes later, he returned to the waiting crowd proclaiming, “I can walk!” I saw him from time to time in the village over the next few years before I moved. His knee pain had never returned.

  • Ongoing, unexplained stomach distress despite numerous tests and medical appointments, gone.

  • Anxious temperament and always “vibrating” (visibly shaky hands) - in minutes, calm, steady hands, and she remained far more relaxed for as long as I knew her before she moved away.

I can never guarantee results. I can only say that more often than not, they are excellent. And I can promise to do my best.

If you are open to the process and if you give your body permission to heal—and for me to work with it—there is a good chance that I can help.*


Energy Healing

  • 15-minute 1:1 private healing session via Zoom

  • As an exchange of energy, I appreciate a donation for this service prior to your booking

  • I will continue to work on your healing after our session. I ask that you keep me informed about progress in the few days following

  • Choose your donation on the button below

  • After your Paypal payment is complete, you will be automatically directed to a page where you can book your healing session with me

  • You do not need a Paypal account to use their secure service.

I look forward to being of service and doing my best to help you on your healing journey.


*NOTE: I am not a licensed medical practitioner. I do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, nor am I qualified to do so. All resource materials on, are intended for information purposes only. All healing and guidance services provided are never to be used instead of professional of advice.

Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on or in sessions with me (Liberty Forrest). If you think you might be having a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911. 

By using the information and/or services provided by Liberty Forrest or, you acknowledge that you are doing so at your own risk.