Liberty Forrest

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Love Them Or Not, This Is The Best Gift Of Every Morning

Photo courtesy of 1195798 from Pixabay

I have a love/hate relationship with mornings. I like to ease into my day with a lovely giant mug of “coffee alternative” (that really does taste like coffee!) and oat milk. Next is Qi Gong and meditation, and I do some energy healing for a while, depending on how many people have requested it.

Gone at the days when I was raising a bunch of kids and had to hit the ground running. Even then, I got up a couple of hours before they did so I could meditate, do some yoga, cast a circle (and maybe a spell or two) and collect myself spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically before diving into another busy day.

It doesn’t help that I’m not good at daytime. I detest being in the sun; in fact, I used to joke about being allergic to the sun and then 20 years ago was told by a dermatologist that I am! Yes, it’s a thing! But that’s another story for a different day.

I prefer grey, misty days. I love the dark and am very much a “creature of the night!” Mwa ha ha ha haaa.

At one time in my life, it was “the norm” to crank the music in my studio at 2 a.m., rip the plastic off a canvas and starting painting. 

I love the early morning hours when the sun has just come up, the air is crisp and cool, there’s dew on everything and the world smells fresh and clean. I love those hours the most if I’ve been up all night, which I would do regularly if it didn’t mess me up so much because the rest of the world doesn’t live like that.

But as much as I drag my sorry behind first thing in the morning, and as much as I don’t like sun or daytime after about 8 a.m., there is something to be said for those very early hours, 4, 5, 6, 7 a.m. depending on the time of year.

With every sunrise, it is a new day. The early morning dew has given everything a rinse and renewed hope; it’s a fresh start, a chance to begin again. If you’ve never thought about it like that, just go and sit outside for a little while during those sparkling early hours in the morning sun, and see for yourself. On such a pretty day, it is impossible not to feel the refreshing and rejuvenating energy of the Universe as it shows you its promise.

It is the promise of another chance, of wiping the slate clean, of leaving the past where it belongs. It is the promise of finding your way forward, of becoming who you’re meant to be, of creating the life you want for yourself.

It takes your agreement and participation to fulfill that promise, but the Universe offers it every single morning, with every single sunrise, with every single new day. It offers you a chance to put yesterday out of your head and ponder possibilities for today, tomorrow, and the rest of your life.

Every beautiful new morning gives you a chance to put things into perspective, to let go of the small stuff, to heal what needs healing, find courage where you need encouragement, to put the past away and lock the door on it.

It’s the perfect opportunity to forgive yourself for whatever you did — or think you did — that you wish you hadn’t. You’re human. So am I. So is everyone else. Stop beating yourself up for things you can’t change. It’s time to move on.

A fresh start. A clean slate. A chance to begin again. What a wonderful gift and how lucky we are to get one every single morning.

Feeling stuck? Need guidance or a Tarot reading to help you with clarity?

Spiritual Arts Mentor and Master Teacher, Liberty Forrest, guides you in discovering who you are, why you’re here, and how to follow that path.

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