Here's a Great Way To Honour Your Intentions


“Our intention creates our reality.” — Wayne Dyer

One of the best gifts you can give yourself is a short period of silence every day. Amidst the talking, the telly, the chattering, the busy-ness, the phone calls, the traffic, the noise in your head, just stop.

Think of it as the “Morning Planning Meeting” with the boss — although if you have to hit the ground running, it doesn’t have to be in the morning. You can wait till it all settles down in the evening — or any other time when you can give yourself just a little bit of uninterrupted time every day. But the point is still the same.

So who’s the boss? It’s you. Your Higher Self. Your inner wisdom. It’s your intention — which is the ultimate expression of your connection with your Higher Self. “The boss” can get lost in the shuffle with all the noise and busy-ness of your life. You can get bogged down in concerns of the ego — what you need right here, right now, what you have to get done, who said this or thinks that — and you get caught up in your human existence and daily “stuff.”

Meanwhile, “the boss” is yelling outside your office door, but you’re engaged in an argument with someone or watching some mindless television or you’re busybusybusy with your job or the shopping or the children.

You might be aware of that voice trying to push its way through the noise but it doesn’t really register until finally — blissfully — you can give yourself a few moments of silence. A little peace. A short period to shut out the world and let the boss have a word with you.

“All that counts in life is intention.” — Andrea Bocelli

That “Planning Meeting” is essential if you don’t want your days to run amok. Just a brief little check-in to remember or re-set your intention about the kind of person you want to be, the quality of life you choose to have, a reminder to pursue peace, to offer help, to be loving and patient as you make your way through each day.

It doesn’t take much and it doesn’t take long. It doesn’t even require any effort or any money. Quite simply, it requires you to be still and quiet, for just a few minutes (or as many as you wish).

Just give “the boss” a chance to help you prioritise, organise, to stay on track, to remind you of what your job is, and to keep you focused on getting it done. 

That little Planning Meeting will make your job a whooooole lot easier.


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Spiritual Arts Mentor and Master Teacher, Liberty Forrest, guides you in discovering who you are, why you’re here, and how to follow that path.